Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Should There Be New Versions?

So I was thinking about the Wii U launch and how retailers and gamers alike are hoping that new hardware blood will reinvigorate the dying retail gaming industry.  Then I thought to myself:  why not have console iterations the same way we have new versions of iPhones or Samsung Galaxies every year?

Just as quickly I dismissed that as a stupid idea.

The best part about the current console generation is how static it is.  No more having to worry about getting the latest versions of the Xbox or the Playstation.  Personally, I'm as happy as a clam not to have to shell out close to a thousand bucks every five years (for two systems).

But there's more than that.  Who would care about buying new versions of home consoles every year or so?  It's not like a mobile phone.  One can say that part of the appeal of a new phone is showing it off everywhere you go.  But unless you lug your PS4 on the bus most people won't be able to see how awsome you are.  Is it any wonder that the only handheld consoles have a million versions?  DS Lite, XL, PSP, Go, whatever.  Yet, for consoles, there's pretty much the launch boxes and... slims.  That's it.

So no, I don't think it's going to work.  Will probably piss people off if anyone tries.  Personally, I don't know how people put up with new versions of the same tablets and phones year after year.  Maybe I'm wrong, and these same people don't mind buying virtually identical consoles year after year.  There are probably people who own slim versions of the Xbox or PS3 even if their older models still work.

Personally, I hope not.  But... I can see Microsoft trying to do something like this though.

Monday, 26 November 2012

The Wii U and I

No no, I don't have a Wii U.  But, that in itself is strange.  Going all the way back to the PS2, I've bought each new console as it first came out, either on launch day or a month or so after.  The Wii U is breaking this trend.

I think there's three things about the Wii U launch that's rubbing wrong.  The first is that there isn't single game I want to play on it.  The second is that my older model TV only has one HDMI port (proudly hooked to my PS3) and lastly, even if I wanted a Wii U, there's no place that have any for sale.  Still, these were factors I've encountered before, and never have they stopped me.  I waited 8 hours in front of a Walmart in freezing October weather to get a PS2 and what did I play on it?  Summoner. So much for launch games I want to play.  And additional cable investments haven't stopped me before either.  Remember when the Xbox and PS2 both came packed in with AV cables?? Of all things.  Yet I shelled out a small fortune for the then rare PS3, and more money for an additional HDMI cable.  And availability?  In truth, there are plenty of Wii Us out there, if you don't mind the white regular edition.  Personally, I'm not desperate enough to go that far.

For the first time in a long time, there's a console launch that is just so ho-hum and unexciting.  It's happened before, but for handhelds.  The 3DS and the Vita didn't have the biggest hype and I didn't want either at launch day.  But lo and behold I bought them anyway.

My point is that if I desperately wanted a Wii U, even if it's the special edition black version, I would probably have one by now.  I just never made too much effort.  That said, if some Gamestop employee tells me they have black Wii Us in stock, I'd probably flash the credit card.  But I'm also not making it happen.  For instance, I was in an EB today for lunch and didn't even bother asking the clerk if they have any Wii Us.  They most likely don't, but it never hurts right?

I guess it's just being burned by Nintendo all these years.  The Wii wasn't a very good machine.  And if it wasn't for stuff like the two Zeldas, Last Story and Xenoblade that thing is a total right off.  Actually, if I can only name four good games for it, it still is!

*sigh*  I dunno.  This is a meandering blog, but I'm still just trying to decide. Maybe writing about it helps.  Do I want one?  Do I not want one?  Right now I just don't know.  The only thing I know for sure is this.  There is absolutely nothing I want to play on it right now, so if I get it, it would only be for the one factor of actually having it.  And is that worth it?

I just can't decide....