Monday 29 April 2013

A Very Long Response

This next blog is in response to Ironix's blog, but it's too long to post as a comment!  So here it is.

Alright, I read your blog twice over, so the debate ought to go well.
Let's put a few things into perspective we both agree on.  1)  The price of $55 is just way too high.  2)  The best bet this game has of selling is, indeed, through it's already existing fans.  You made very convincing arguments on the second point.  I also agree that Namco must justify themselves regarding this decision.  However, I still do not agree with the main thrust of your argument, which is that Namco Bandai made a mistake.  They didn't, and here's a short list of why.
1)  The PSP is dead.  I know I beat you over the head with this but it's important for any consideration of the facts.
2)  The PS Vita is nearly dead.  As an owner myself, I'm saddened by this beyond words.  However, the dismal release list speaks for itself.
3)  The iOS platform is plenty healthy, and is spread over iPhones, iPads and iPods, which makes for a great market.
Now we both agree that the price is ridiculous and the fans are important.  So let's take a look at why Namco did what they did.  Put yourself in the publisher's shoes for a second.  If you were to put out Idol Master Fiesta, what are your options?  There are several, but I think it boils down to two general decisions.
1)  To localize for the PSP/Vita
2)  To localize for iOS.
In your arguments, you say that fans are the ones who will buy at the 55 dollar price point.  Yes.  Fans are the ones who will initiate other players into becoming fans.  Also yes.  BUT, this actually works against you.  Because the BEST way to attract existing fans AND to pull in new ones is through  option 2, the iOS.  Why?  Because you cannot grow the market using option 1.  Suppose I were to try to get a friend to buy Fiesta on the PSP/Vita.  It would be easy to do so if they already had the machine.  But not so much if they don't.  It would be very difficult to get anyone else to buy the game if they also had to shell out for a system they don't have but it's doubly so when the systems in question are DEAD!  So how do you intend to grow your fan base on dead platforms?  It doesn't work very well.  The iOS is a whole different story.  Not only is the platform evolving (iPhone 4, 4S, 5, etc.) but there are plenty of people who already have one variation of the machine, so it's easy to gain new converts through existing fans.  Yes, it's too bad for the folks who have a PSP/VITA but not the iOS.  But there are bound to be an overlap.  I'm sure a lot of fans who have a PSP also have an iOS device.  Put yourself in Namco's position and you can see that - if they are serious about growing their fan base - the PSP/Vita option is the more limiting choice.
This is the main thrust of my argument but your blog also points out a couple other issues I wish to address.  Now I didn't read the original article on this announcment, but you mentioned that Namco didn't give anyone warning regarding the iOS decision?  But isn't the warning the news piece itself?  It seems to me this announcment IS the warning you've been looking for.  Afterall, the game isn't out yet (am I right?  I'm not sure).  And of course, there are also the issue of price point, and their mismarketing (in your opinion) to their target audience (the fans).  But on that second point, I argue that there is no mismarketing.  Why?  Because this is their first attempt to bring any Idol Master title to North America.  So any marketing they do now is brand new, at least from Namco's perspective.  For you, who have been enjoying the titles since the beginning, it feels like a betrayal.  But to Namco, it's their first foray into new territory for a 'new' IP.  In order to launch successfully, they must not only balance existing fan base, but also to consider a new audience.  Which, I think, means taking a few risks.
Which is exactly what I think is happening here.  Let's consider several facts:
1)  It's easy to port games to Android, PSP, Vita.  Relatively speaking.
2)  It's easy to lower the price of a title on iOS.  Happens all the time.
Put those two together and what we have is classic risk versus reward.  Only, in this case, the risk isn't as great as you think.  If Namco localized for PSP, they are guarenteed a niche audience.  But why stop at that?  With the iOS, they have a potential hit on their hands beyond what can be provided by niche.  And here's where iOS flexibility comes into play.  What Namco is doing is simply this.  They are testing the waters.  That's it.  No more, no less.  They publish for iOS, not because they are shooting themselves in the foot, but rather because iOS is the perfect test platform.  If 55 bucks don't sell?  No big deal.  Slash it in half!  They are free to set whatever price until it's optimal.  Even if noone buys at 55, someone will at 45.  Then 35.  Then 25, and on and on.  And, if the game takes off, even a little, you can bet on an Android port and maybe a PSP/Vita version, too.  Now you say that price adjustments are easily done on the PSN.  Yes, however, I think, they are not just testing the price point, they are testing iOS itself.  It's no secret that console sales are down and developers are flocking to mobile.  What better way for Namco to get into the mobile action than to port over something with a small but installed fan base just to get it's feet wet?
So that’s my answer.  Why did Namco do what they did?  Simple.  They are making a gamble, testing the iOS waters, and going from there.


  1. I finally got to read your response. I had to re-read my blog just to remember what I wrote, lol. One thing to clear up:

    -There was no warning about the iOS decision at all. The Siliconera posting I read about was written on the same day as the game's release date. It is available now. This is what makes it frustrating. I want to play it, and it is available now. But I never planned on getting an i-anything. So I can't play it.

    Now, to the rest, but I'll try to keep it brief-ish.

    Testing the iOS waters at $55... sorry, that's a foregone drowning. And if they can freely lower the price, they might as well do that on a platform that would gaurantee purchases. The PSP may be dead overall, but it's not dead to the current fanbase. It is true that they might not open themselves to new fans with a PSP release, but at its current price, they wouldn't have achieved a new fanbase on the iOS anyway. Right now, they're just shooting themselves in the foot.

    As for the PSVita, I don't think it will be dead once the PS4 is released. So it should still be around.

    If it's relatively easy to port to android, why hasn't it been done? At least try to reach the rest of the people who want to play it.

    I didn't really say it straight out in my blog, but Namco's mistake wasn't releasing Idolm@ster on the iOS; it was releasing Idolm@ster on the iSO ONLY. If it was released on the android, I wouldn't care that it was released on the iOS. I'm almost certain that every fan that's complaining now (since I am not the only once) is thinking this: release it on a platform I can have access to.

    There is no way to tell just how many Idolm@ster fans own compatible i-devices. It's already a niche fanbase to begin with. Diminishing that fanbase with a platform / brand switch is not cool. Stopping potential fan growth with $55 is also not cool.

    Okay, I'm done ranting. The future will determine if Namco made the right choice or not.

  2. Ah, I see. Now I understand the anger. Yup. No warning is bad. That is something I cannot defend nor do I want to. Okay, so they blew this one bit. :)

    Testing the waters at 55 bucks isn't a foregone drowning because the whole point of testing is just that, to test! If people buy at 55 (and you know in your heart of hearts that if this was on Android you would) then great. If not, it's hardly the end of the world. They just lower the price. But you won't know till you try right? I think there's some justification to taking risks if it could improve your fan base. The PSP will not make your audience net any wider but the iOS has vast potential and at very little downside besides. Sometimes, taking the safe path is as bad as shooting yourself in the foot.

    And yes, releasing it on iOS isn't fair to people on other platforms. But there's just too much hope that it will be ported to something that I think it's likely. They didn't say it would be an exclusive, did they?

  3. Until it does get released on other platforms, I'm assuming it is iOS-exclusive. I imagine they wouldn't port it to android unless they thought there could be profit in it. if few people buy the game right now, the end interpretation is that there just isn't enough interest in the game at all, not that it's on the wrong device.

    And yes, I would buy it at $55 if it was released on android because I am a fan. Non-fans wouldn't consider it. I don't think $55 is testing the waters -- that's the price geared towards the fans and the fans only. Ask any gamer if they would pay $55 on an unfamiliar iOS game or an iOS game where they're not already a fan of. Chances are they will say no. If they think people who are buying it now equates to an acceptable price point, it would be a poor interpretation. Everybody who buys it right now is a fan.
