Monday, 9 June 2014

Final Fantasy Freedom

No, it's not a newly announced title from Square Enix.  Yes, it's about Final Fantasy 14.  And yes, it is what you think it is, but I will write it out in a long drawn out fashion anyway.

As my long time readers must know, I've been... ahem.... addicted... to Final Fantasy 14 for the better part of a year now.  It's a great game.  A fantastic game.  But, it came at a cost.  Corpses of games are littered all over while I was enjoying FF14.  To this day I have yet to even start Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeros or Dynasty Warriors 8 Extreme Legends.  Of the games I did start, Conception II and the new Professor Layton still languish in limbo.  It was a miracle I was able to beat Infamous Second Son.

As with all good things, the Fantasy foray came to an end.  There wasn't much of a choice - two weeks in Tokyo means two weeks without FF14 it's as simple as that.  In this sense, I was very lucky.  The night my subscription ran out was the night before the flight.  I was able to enjoy FF14 almost up to the minute when I can't any longer.

Fast forward a month and I'm back from the trip.  But... still haven't logged back onto FF14.

And it's liberating.

Prior to the trip, the game had it's claws in me real bad.  It's just the way it is.  The game is designed to be played a bit each day.  If you don't, you miss out on various bonuses and as hardcore as I was, missing out was not an option.  Of course, there's also the matter of subscription.  For about 15 bucks a month, can I afford to skip out on even a single day?  The answer, until we had to fly to Japan, was no.

Yet, having gone cold turkey for two weeks straight, the spell has been broken.  The urge is gone.  I can go on with my life without Final Fantasy 14.  I felt free.  Games are opened to me again.  Since I came back, I've dabbled in Child of Light.  Now I'm sucked into Watch Dogs.  Only difference is, Watch Dogs will eventually end.  I'm looking forward to starting Murdered: Soul Suspect and Mind Zero when it does.

That's not all, I can blog again.  You may have noticed my blogging frequency increasing.  This Wednesday, I also promised my girlfriend I'll build models instead of playing games.  I can do this because I'm free from Final Fantasy 14.  Weekends, I feel more comfortable hanging with my friends or hanging outside the house with just my girlfriend and I.  Watch Dogs can wait.  It can't leave me behind.

Officially, I'm on 'break' from Final Fantasy 14.  At least, that's what I've been telling everyone.  But I think, effectively, it's over.  Though I do not bar myself from returning - one day, I might want to go back, just to see - for now, it's so long... and thanks for all the pugils.

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